Friday, May 18, 2012

Going to #STC12

Tomorrow morning before the rooster crows I will be on my way to the Society for Technical Communications Summit 2012 in Chicago.

Today, I'm getting ready. As you can see, I've got my boarding pass and a pile of business cards.

I plan to blog my experiences at the Summit.

I will be presenting twice, once as part of the Leadership Program,

and once as part of an Education progression 

I'm also participating in an evening Jam with other technical communicators. Our band name is the "Rough Drafts" which I think is so cool.

I have posted the content for these on SlideShare

We have a big fancy Honors Banquet on Tuesday night. I have a new dress that is super cute.

The rest of the time, I'll be enjoying the company and wisdom of the other leaders and presenters. Should be a great few days.

Wish me luck!

Viqui would love to connect with you. 
Email her at
follow her on twitter @viqui_dill
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1 comment:

Chris said...

Go get 'em! Rock em, sock em, teach em! It'll be great.